24 Jan Get Rid of Gynecomastia for life in 90 mins learn how with plastic surgeon Dr. Arth Shah in Gujarat
What is Gynaecomastia?
Gynaecomastia (sometimes referred to as enlarged breasts in men) is a common condition that causes male breasts to swell and become
larger than normal. While it is most common in teenage boys and older men, it can also manifest in newborn baby boys.
What are the Signs & Symptoms of Gynaecomastia?
Signs vary from a small amount of extra tissue around the nipples to more prominent breasts. It can affect one or both breasts. Sometimes, the breast tissue can be tender or painful, but this isn’t always the case.
What causes Gynaecomastia?
Gynecomastia can be caused by several factors. The most common causes are:
Hormonal imbalance
Old age
Side effects of certain drugs
Post weight loss surgery
How can Gynaecomastia be treated?
Gynecomastia can be treated by a simple surgery performed through a keyhole. This surgery is performed in such a manner that no prominent scars are left. There are no medicines available to treat Gynaecomastia
When should one consider surgery for Gynaecomastia?
For men who feel self-conscious about their appearance, liposuction assisted Gynecomastia surgery can be considered to flatten the chest area.
What are the steps involved in Gynaecomastia treatment?
Before Surgery
When breast enlargement is caused by obesity, poor health, or excessive alcohol intake, breast size may be reduced through a healthy diet and regular exercise. Consult a doctor and consider all possibilities before opting for Gynaecomastia surgery.
The Reduction Procedure
Male breast reduction surgery is usually carried out under general or local anesthesia and takes around 90 minutes to perform. The surgeon makes a tiny incision on the chest wall and uses liposuction to suck away excess fatty tissue. He then makes an incision in the areola (brown portion) to remove the enlarged gland. In most cases, the procedure is done as a daycare surgery. Sometimes, an overnight stay in the hospital might be required.
After the operation, one should take few days off to rest. It is best to avoid lifting heavy objects or performing strenuous physical exercise for up to six weeks. Post-operation, an elastic garment should be worn day and night for a few weeks to encourage good results.
Results? Never before confidence!
Male breast reduction is an effective way to reduce the size of the breast and have a flattened chest area. The results are permanent in most cases. Recurrence of the problem after surgery is not common.
You should read this as well : Best Gynecomastia Treatment in India
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