Abnormal breast tissue that may grow in men is gynecomastia. The tissue of the breast may become swollen and is sometimes covered by fat that can make men appear to have breasts. It can be unsightly and can cause men to feel self-conscious about their chests, but this is not dangerous.
I sometimes hear from gynecomastia sufferers that they feel awkward taking off their shirts at the beach/pool or even wearing sports shirts at the gym. In the development of gynecomastia, hormones play a major role and most individuals have no control over this. There are known causes that cause gynecomastia, such as marijuana, some forms of tumors, and anabolic steroids, but most cases are idiopathic, meaning that it happens without a known cause.
What should a man do if they suspect they may have Gynecomastia?
To ensure that they do not have a hormone-producing tumor, men with gynecomastia should first see their primary care provider. This can typically be measured by a physical examination and involves blood testing occasionally. To see what needs to be done to fix it, the next step is to be examined by a plastic surgeon. Gynecomastia typically requires surgery to correct, from an appearance point of view.
What options are available to treat Gynecomastia?
Fat removal through liposuction, breast tissue removal via surgical excision, and skin removal through either skin tightening or surgical excision are surgical options. What is needed really depends on what is causing the problem, and during your appointment, a plastic surgeon will diagnose this.
What is the recovery like?
Compared to other surgeries, recovery is usually reasonably fast. You will be asked to wear a compression jacket for a few weeks after your surgery. With a few days of prescription medicine, pain is usually well managed. Outside of this, I ask my patients to take it easy for a few weeks from an activity point of view. Unless it is a more serious case of gynecomastia, I normally do not need to put drains.
What is the cost?
Depending on what needs to be done, the cost will vary. A combination of liposuction and breast tissue excision ( Breast Gland) is required for most patients, ranging from 30,000 to 60,000 INR.
Refer to some other articles you might be interested in
Fixing a Dangerous Gynecomastia Mistake made by another Doctor for which this patient had to suffer
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