Hair Transplant cost in Ahmedabad, Gujarat


  • FUE or Follicular Unit Extraction involves removing healthy hair follicles directly from a donor area on the scalp (usually at the back of the head where the hair is plentiful). It is grafting them onto the bald or thinning areas.
The treatment is carried out under local rather than a general anesthetic. So, it eliminates risks and downtime associated with other hair transplant procedures.


And because the treatment is minimally invasive (there is no cutting of strips) making very small entry points into the scalp (sometimes known as Micro FUE). Our team ensures that the donor looks intact after the hair transplant procedure. You can keep your hair really short if you prefer without any obvious scarring. In most cases, patients are able to return to work the next day with their results.


The method uses a specialized punch device, ranging in diameter 0.7mm, to extract follicular units complete with necessary glands. This separates surrounding tissue from the unit, meaning minimum trauma and better results. We do not use a machine, this is too rough. Our specialized surgeons manually implant each hair.


Transplantation of all the vital elements of each hair follicle means a 100% survival rate and 100% growth.


The treatment is performed under a high-powered microscope using specially designed instruments. It allows the Hair Transplant doctor to work with the utmost precision for natural-looking, virtually undetectable results.


We have been perfecting our FUE technique over the past 3 years. Moreover, we are able to achieve natural results. Many patients are put off by the risk of being left with a long linear scar at the back of the hair following a FUT transplant. Moreover, for this reason, more and more patients come to us for FUE.


See our extensive before & after pictures here


  • You will be treated by highly experienced Doctors. Our Hair Transplant Surgeons are highly skilled in Advance FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction). Our doctors treat hundreds of patients every year.
  • Advance FUE is a minimally invasive treatment (meaning there is no cutting of a strip). And, it carried out under local anaesthetic – many patients either watch TV, or even fall asleep during the procedure.
  • You won’t require any stitches after your treatment. This means that the recovery time is also reduced when compared to the Strip surgery (FUT).
  • We use the finest instruments. It is resulting in as minimal trauma to your scalp as possible.
  • Thanks to our advanced skills and techniques. Our team ensures that the donor looks intact after the hair transplant procedure.  Moreover, you can keep your hair really short if you prefer without any obvious scarring.
  • Following treatment, there will be no linear scarring across the back of your head as seen with the strip method (FUT). So, you’ll be free to wear your hair long or short.
  • We choose the best follicular unit (a group of hairs). This ensures that only the strongest, healthiest grafts are used for your hair transplant procedure. See our Hair Transplant videos here.
  • Your results will look natural, with denser packing – the hair is implanted in the direction that matches your hair growth.
  • We are one of the very few clinics able to offer the Unshaven Hair Transplant (U-FUE) (the long-hair hair transplant), to those who prefer not to shave beforehand. At your consultation, we will be able to advise you on whether an unshaven procedure is suitable for you.
  • Scars resulting from injuries or previous surgeries can also be corrected. In fact 30% of all patients that come to us have been somewhere before and need further work to improve on a disappointing result. This could be a previous bad hair transplant or we can cover linear scars caused by FUT hair transplants.
  • We treat hair loss, as well as eyebrows, beard, and facial hair. In addition, due to the knowledge and precision of our team, we can utilize body hair in hair transplants if you have a lack of suitable donor hairs on your scalp.



Rejuva Aesthetica is experienced in all major hair restoration and replacement techniques and has helped many patients attain their goals with natural-looking results and less downtime.


By scheduling an initial consultation, our doctors can help you decide which hair restoration method is right for you. Moreover, you can address any questions or concerns you may have. Call for your free consultation now at +917436000990

Before and After Treatment